Parent Partnership

At The City of Leicester College we value and recognise the importance of parental involvement in the life of the school.

Throughout our website the term parent is used to refer to parents, guardians and carers.  We believe that education is a collaborative enterprise involving amongst others, parents, staff and children. As a school we are therefore committed to establishing and maintaining an effective and purposeful working relationship between the school and home.

Parent Drop-in Sessions

We are not only dedicated to helping our students - but we would like to offer support and guidance for parents by use of weekly drop-in sessions. Parent drop-in sessions will be run by our college leadership team who will be available every Wednesday morning between 8:30am and 9:45am in the main reception to answer any of your questions.

Parental Information Evening 

We held our first Parental Information Evening on Wednesday 6th September 2023.  It was a great chance to share some of our success stories; how we approach teaching and learning and; the huge number of pastoral provisions we offer as a school.  The main aim was to help parents understand better how we work and then understand how they can support their child to be even more successful.  The presentations were well received and the college leadership team were able to have lots of great conversations with parents at the end of the evening.  If you were unable to attend or did attend and want a reminder of anything that was covered, the presentations are available below for you to view.

We want to focus on community engagement so that everyone knows what we are about and how we can all work together.

KS3 Parental Evening 

We want to focus on community engagement so that everyone knows what we are about and how we can all work together.

KS4 Parental Evening

We want to focus on community engagement so that everyone knows what we are about and how we can all work together.

KS5 Parental Evening

Parents, Teachers & Friends Association (PTFA)

Thursday 14th December 2023

On Thursday 14th December 2023, we hosted our first parent forum; thank you to all who attended. We discussed new school policy, future agenda items and the creation of a TCOLC PTFA. We will send out details of our Spring term forum in February.

Parent Forum PowerPoint

Parent Forum Agenda 

Thursday 7th March 2024

Thank you to the many parents, carers and staff who came to our second forum held on Thursday 7th March 2024.  Please find the resources below. 

Parent Forum Agenda 

Parent Forum PowerPoint 

Our next meeting in June will be the AGM to form our PTFA ‘Friends of TCOLC’, please do get in touch with Mrs Hurdley-Lees, if you have any ideas of key aims or how you can support the committee.


Thursday 20th June 2024

Our first 'Friends of TCOLC' AGM was held on Thursday 20th June and we are now all members of our PTFA.

AGM Agenda

AGM PowerPoint

AGM Minutes


Thursday 3rd October 2024

Our first 'Friends of TCOLC' meeting, of the 2024/25 academic year, was held on Thursday 3rd October.  Thank you to all that attended.


Minutes of Meeting


The next PTFA meeting will be held in March 2025 and the focus will be on fundraising.

Tuesday 25th March 2025