Exam Dates
To view upcoming exam dates please click here.
Exam Handbooks
Information for Students & Parents
For more information on examination rules and policies, please click here.
For information on how to support your child in the examination season, please click here.
Certificates for qualifications completed in summer 2023 are ready for collection from the college reception between 9am and 3pm. Please bring photo ID when collecting your certificates. Please send written authorisation if you want someone else to collect your certificates for you.
Certificates will not be issued to anyone other than the person named on them without written authorisation and ID.
Certificates are only retained in College for 1 year.
Replacing Certificates
If you have lost your certificates, or not collected them after 1 year, you will need to contact the Awarding Bodies directly to order a certifying statement of results. They will charge a fee for this. Please go to https://www.gov.uk/replacement-exam-certificate and follow the links to the relevant Awarding Bodies.
Private Candidates
We do not accept private candidates at our centre.