KS3 Curriculum

At The City of Leicester College we have a broad and exciting curriculum in Years 7, 8 and 9 (KS3). As well as all students studying a range of subjects as part of their core curriculum, they also take part in theme days and activities throughout the three years.

Mid-way through Year 9, students will begin the process of choosing which subjects to continue with in Year 10 as part of their progression onto GCSE.

Click on the subject links below for more information.






Geography Learning Journey





Performing Arts

Personal, Social & Health Education Course Outline

Personal, Social & Health Education Course Overview

Physical Education

Religious Studies



Year 9 Options

Students usually choose their options towards the middle of Year 9. They then spend Years 10 and 11 studying these subjects, leading up to their GCSEs in the summer term of Year 11. The term ‘options’ is used to describe the subjects students can choose to take at GCSE level. 

Click on the link below to view the Options available for students who will start studying their GCSEs in 2025/26

Key Stage 4 Options Booklet

Translated Guides

These translated guides can help multilingual students and their families make decisions about their options. 

Arabic - Y9 Options

Gujarati - Y9 Options

Hindi - Y9 Options

Punjabi - Y9 Options