
Welcome to our curriculum pages. Our curriculum is broad and balanced, and aims to cater for the needs and interests of all of our students. 

As a mainstream state school, we follow the National Curriculum. More information on the National Curriculum can be found here.

Our curriculum across key stages three, four and five is underpinned by our six curriculum principles, which are outlined below:

Ensuring that what we teach our students is relevant to their lives and context.

A curriculum that is broad yet focused on what is important; one that has clear concepts to be taught and knowledge to be gained.  Content needs to be appropriately challenging in its content, texts, concepts and resources.

Consideration must be given to where units are placed; how they build on prior learning and how they are sequenced so learning is connected and logical.  Students should be included in understanding how their learning journey fits together.

Ensuring that the curriculum we deliver is challenging and ambitious for all students at all levels, including those students with SEND, EAL, or other groups.

Inspiring Learning is about making sure our students enjoy their learning so they are motivated to learn, and in turn are inspired to extend their learning in further education and be confident that they can positively impact the world around them.

If students can't remember what they were taught, then has it been learnt?  It's important to shift knowledge from the working memory into the long-term memory so students can remember, and build on, what they have been taught.

Please select a subpage below for more information on our curriculum.