Our Staff
Senior Leadership Team
K Vernon | Head Teacher |
J Walton | Senior Deputy Head (Pastoral & Safeguarding) |
H Hurdley-Lees | Deputy Head (Quality of Education) |
N Abdulla | Assistant Head (Quality of Education) |
C Dakin | Assistant Head (Sixth Form & Careers) |
W Drury | Assistant Head (Pastoral) |
C Lamont | Assistant Head (Quality of Education) |
A Lidbury | Assistant Head (Pastoral) |
S Whiting | Strategic Business Lead |
Extended Senior Leadership Team
L Bell | Strategic Information Lead |
D Bhatt | Director of Sixth Form |
C Camp | Director of Standards |
S Cook | Director of Pastoral |
A Heywood | Associate Assistant Head (Co-Curriculum) |
L Pennifold | SENDCo |
F Yaqub-Ghanchi | Director of Early Teaching Development (ETD) |
Teaching Staff
Art, Design and Technology (ADT)
H Black | |
S Coulthard | 2ic |
A Hammonds | 2ic |
S Maidment-Graves | |
J Patel | |
S Popat | |
M Simpson | Head of Department |
I Thadha |
K Garcha | |
M Johal | Head of Department |
H Patel | |
S Patel | 2ic |
A Sattar | Professional Coach |
N Abdulla | Assistant Head (Quality of Education) |
J Bifield | EAL Co-ordinator |
S Coles | Head of Department |
J Grigorjeva | |
L Holroyd | 2ic |
H Hurdley-Lees | Deputy Head (Quality of Education) |
M Karim | Character Pillar Co-ordinator |
A Lidbury | Assistant Head (Pastoral) |
M Mirza | 2ic |
T Musa | |
A Parker | |
A Patel | Assistant SENDCo |
N Patel | |
L Pennifold | SENDCo |
P Shah | Literacy Co-ordinator |
S Springthorpe |
E Etim Ima | |
J Gillard | 2ic |
I Gregory | |
J Van Wyk | Head of Department |
S Boyd | Head of Department |
T Kent | 2ic |
K Shearsmith | |
M Pailing |
ICT/Computer Science
D Bhatt | Director of Sixth Form |
N Jamal | Head of Department |
A Lambat | 2ic |
S Patel | |
M Syed |
E Chapangara | |
S Chauhan | |
T Devine-Stevens | 2ic |
D Elmishri | |
S Galic | |
R Hunt | Numeracy Co-ordinator |
A Hussain | |
N Islam | |
M Jasat | |
S Lunat | 2ic |
K Lewis | Head of Department |
S Mahomed | |
R Mehra | |
J Szafaryn |
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
C Camp | Head of Department / Director of Standards |
V Cavron | |
G Cousin | |
F Hussain | 2ic |
M Pavey | |
M Plaza |
Performing Arts
S Hewitson-Clay | |
J Hurdley | |
F Wright | Head of Department |
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
P Davey | |
L Jones | Head of Department |
A Parker | |
J Walton | Senior Deputy Head (Pastoral & Safeguarding) |
Physical Education (PE)
D Austin | |
S Ball | |
K Brooks | |
J Dettlaff | 2ic |
W Drury | Assistant Head (Pastoral) |
E Hewitson | |
H Machin | |
C Myford | Head of Department |
Religious Studies
J Carr | |
L Evwierhoma | 2ic |
U Kamal | |
L Jones | |
M Moolraj | |
J Wood | Head of Department |
D Austin | |
G Clarke | |
S Cook | Director of Pastoral |
H Dookanwala | 2ic |
A Heywood | Associate Assistant Head (Co-Curriculum) |
Z Iqbal | |
C Lamont | Assistant Head (Quality of Education) |
T Mussa | |
C Nelson | STEAM Co-ordinator |
N Plumtree | |
R Popat | |
Z Tariq | 2ic |
D Vaghela | Head of Department |
S Vhora | |
J Walters-Nisbett | |
A Wright | Professional Coach |
Social Sciences
C Dakin | Assistant Head (Sixth Form & Careers) |
P Davey | |
E Hopkins | |
S Ismail | 2ic |
A Khan | |
L Patel | Head of Department |
F Yaqub-Ghanchi | Director of Early Teaching Development (ETD) |
Support Staff
Support Services Leadership
L Bell | Strategic Information Lead |
T Brennan | Finance Manager |
A Keen | Human Resources & Health & Safety Officer |
L Modi | Personal Assistant to Head Teacher & Senior Deputy Head |
T Rathod | Exams Manager |
C Ryan | ICT Manager |
M Tomlinson | Personal Assistant to Deputy Head (Quality of Education) |
Administrative Support
J Austin | Administrator (Quality of Education) |
R Daniel | Data & Assessment Officer |
N Darkwa Ampadu | Data & Projects Officer |
S Docrat | Data & Exams Officer |
C Hart | Administrator (Pastoral) |
A Khalifa | Administrator (Reception) |
S Newbold | Reprographics |
S Rana | Administrator (SEND) |
J Tay | Finance Officer |
Cover Supervisors
M Bhagat | Cover Supervisor |
I Bhatiya | Cover Supervisor |
Z Patel | Cover Supervisor |
Head of Year
P Pratt | Head of Year 7 |
S Powell | Head of Year 8 |
L Bevins | Head of Year 9 |
P Thrower | Head of Year 10 |
K Frederick | Head of Year 11 |
M Beach | Librarian (Wed - Fri) |
S Newbold | Librarian (Mon - Wed) |
Sixth Form Support Team
K Davey | Careers Officer |
H Hall | Learning Resources Centre Officer |
K Maclean | Mentor (Sixth Form) |
J Rana | Head of Year (Sixth Form) |
R Vincic | Administrator (Sixth Form) |
Student Support
K Anderson | Senior Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
N Evans | Alternative Provision Liaison Officer |
K Kaur | Attendance Assistant |
A Maan | Behaviour Support Officer |
O Mykolyszyn-Wright | School Counsellor |
H Sattar | Lead Learning / Behaviour Mentor |
R Thakrar | Attendance & Welfare Officer |
Teaching Assistants
S Bannou | Teaching Assistant (EAL) |
M Borkhataria | Teaching Assistant |
R Dawood | Teaching Assistant |
D Furno | Teaching Assistant |
J Gohil | Teaching Assistant (Literacy) |
S Harris | Teaching Assistant |
V Jethwa | Lead Teaching Assistant |
L Kaur | Teaching Assistant |
S Kerlew | Teaching Assistant |
P Modi | Teaching Assistant (EAL) |
F Nathani | Teaching Assistant |
L Navsariwala | Teaching Assistant |
Mr J Patel | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs J Patel | Teaching Assistant |
B Sur | Teaching Assistant (EAL) |
T Urch | Teaching Assistant |
S Zamir | Teaching Assistant (Numeracy) |
M Adam | Technician (ICT) |
A Aljalab | Technician (Science) |
T Badar | Lead Technician (Science) |
R Badiani | Technician (Science) |
N D'Souza | Lead Technician (ADT) |
M Hurdley-Lees | Technician (ADT) |
S Ratan | Technician (ADT) |
K Vora | Technician (Science) |